Power converter kits
All kits and bundles shall be considered as configuration examples, which can be fully customized as a function of project requirements.
The true plug-&-play compatibility between the B-Box RCP and the power modules allows saving a lot of time during the prototyping phase !
Teaching kits
Basic configurations for a quick start
In addition to our flagship rapid control prototyping controller and its software, the kits contain several power converter modules and sensors. They allow building various topologies and reconfiguring the power converters at wish.
The kits are based on rack-mountable open chassis, facilitating the (re)arrangement of power modules. They however don’t possess the same protections or connectivity as their fully-enclosed counterparts.
These kits are ideal when maximum flexibility on the topology is needed. Indeed, converters can be easily assembled (and de-assembled!) by simply placing modules in and out of an open chassis. This allows for a high reusability of the modules.
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Kit content
- Desktop converter controller (B-Box Micro)
- Control development tools for Simulink and PLECS (ACG SDK)
- 4x phase-leg modules (PEB8038)
- 4x voltage sensors
- All needed cables
- Different power modules
- Buck/boost power converter(s)
- Dual active bridge converter
- Interleaved DC/DC converter
- Photovoltaic (PV) inverter
- Single-phase inverter with PFC
- Three-phase electric motor drive
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Kit content
- Programmable controller (B-Box RCP)
- Control development tools for Simulink and PLECS (ACG SDK)
- 6x phase-leg modules (PEB8038)
- 6x voltage sensors
- All needed cables
- Different power inverter modules
- Back-to-back motor drive (e.g. PMSM)
- Electric drive for DFIG generator
- Static frequency converter
- Multi-phase electric motor drive
- Parallel inverters system
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Kit content
- Programmable inverter (TPI8032)
- Control development tools for Simulink and PLECS (ACG SDK)
- Bidirectional DC power supply (800V, 6kW)
- 12kW or 18kW bidirectional DC power supply
- Isolation transformer
- Three-phase rectifier and inverter
(DC/AC or AC/DC converters) - Grid-forming inverter
- Microgrid inverter
- Droop control
- Virtual inertia
Research bundles
Ready-to-use and configurable power converter test benches
These bundles offer turn-key solutions for research applications, supporting the rapid prototyping of even the most advanced converter control algorithms. They guarantee a neat – and safe – implementation of numerous applications, with no sacrifices on flexibility. Bundles are furthermore customizable so that they can be adapted to specific needs.
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Kit content
- Programmable controller (B-Box RCP)
- Control development tools for Simulink and PLECS (ACG SDK)
- 6x phase-leg modules (PEB8038)
- Passives filters box
- Grid-side panel
- 6x voltage sensors
- 4x current sensors
- All needed cables
- Phase-leg modules (PEB4050) for 110VAC operation
- Fast-switching modules (PEB8024) for up to 200 kHz switching frequency
The power electronics bundle is a general purpose test bench. It includes a programmable controller and a selection of half-bridge power modules, LC filters, and sensors to build various topologies.
Phase-leg modules, inductors, and capacitors are safely enclosed in racks to prevent access to live parts. Nevertheless, all power terminals are individually accessible through standard 4mm safety connectors. For this reason, rewiring the topology of the system is simple.
Unlike the teaching kits, the equipment is rack-mounted in a cabinet with wheels. Thus, it can be easily moved around in a laboratory. The extra space at the bottom of the cabinet provides flexibility for the future and allows mounting more equipment if needed.
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Kit content
- Programmable controller (B-Box RCP)
- Software tools for Simulink and PLECS
- Motor Interface for B-Box RCP
- 6x phase-leg modules (PEB8038)
- DC source
- Induction machine (Motor Testbench)
- Synchronous machine (Motor Testbench)
- All needed cables
- NPC modules (PEN8018) for three-level converters
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Kit content
- 3x Programmable controller (B-Box RCP)
- Software tools for Simulink and PLECS
- 24x full bridge submodule (PEH2015)
- 6x inductors
- Grid-side panel
- 4x voltage sensors
- 6x current sensors
- All needed cables
- Phase-leg modules (PEB4050) for increased power
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Kit content
- Programmable controller (B-Box RCP)
- Control development tools for Simulink and PLECS (ACG SDK)
- Interface for Opal-RT simulators
- Opal-RT OP4512
- 6x phase-leg modules (PEB8038)
- Passives filters box
- All needed cables
- PHIL configuration (power hardware in the loop)