The two imperix software suites, available as immediate downloads.


Software installers

The downloads area contains all the necessary software to work with imperix products.

Among others, the software development kits (SDK) are available for direct download. Besides, links to a few templates and examples are also provided.

For additional information, please consult our online knowledge base.

Software downloads for hardware rev. 3.0

The following downloads apply to the latest imperix controllers, namely the B-Box RCP, the B-Box Micro, the B-Board PRO and the TPI8032.

Downloads related to previous products are located at the bottom of this page.

Software Development Kits (SDK)

The two kits contain all the necessary tools to support the quick and easy development of embedded control software. This ranges from the development environments themselves, to simulation models, compilers, supporting libraries, as well as debugging tools.

Depending on the selected SDK, programming of the power electronic controllers can be done from Simulink, PLECS, or the Imperix C/C++ IDE.


Computer requirements
  • Windows 10 and 11 (macOS not supported)
  • MATLAB 2016a to MATLAB 2024b (Simulink downloads), with the following blocksets: Embedded Coder, MATLAB Coder and Simulink Coder. Licenses only delivered by The Mathworks, or alternatively
  • PLECS standalone 4.5 or more recent (PLECS downloads) with PLECS Coder add-on. Licenses only delivered by Plexim GmbH
  • Windows 10 and 11 (macOS not supported)
Getting started with the computer software

Developing control applications with the ACG-SDK is generally considered as intuitive by most engineers, on both Simulink and PLECS.

Nevertheless, a few useful recommendations are provided in the associated quick-start documentation.

As the imperix IDE is based on the well-known Eclipse environment, users are often already familiar with the development tools and can get started very easily.

Nevertheless, some useful advice is given in the quick-start guide.

Additional resources

Some of the following resources are already available in the SDK installation folder. They are also available here for convenience.

Legacy software

The following downloads apply to BoomBox HW2.0/2.1 only. This equipment was discontinued in May 2020.

Simulink SDK

The SDK provides support for simulation and automated code generation from Matlab Simulink.


Latest version: v.1.4.4


The C/C++ SDK supports code generation from TI Code Composer Studio:


Latest version: v.2.5.5

Boombox control

BoomBox Control is provided as a standalone software, usable with both Simulink and C++ SDKs.


Latest version: v.1.7.0

Software licences

For legacy hardware, computer-locked or time-limited licenses are available and must be used. Existing users may require to move or extend their licenses by submitting this form.

Legacy hardware

Immediate documentation related to previous products can be found below. Alternatively, by contacting our support, our team will gladly provide further information.

Boombox 2.0 controller

The Boombox 2.0 is the previous generation of the B-Box RCP prototyping controller. Its motherboard and processing module can be upgraded to the latest generation.

Upgrade kit

Hardware upgrade kit for upgrading a BoomBox into a B-Box RCP digital control system for power invertersThe kit allows transforming hardware from the previous generation (2.0) into the very same hardware as the B-Box RCP 3.0.

Power modules



PEB 8032

800 V / 32 A phase-leg module
Rated DC voltage800 V
Rated current32 A
Power capabilities6-10 kVA

PEB 4046

400 V / 46 A phase-leg module
Rated DC voltage400 V
Rated current46 A
Power capabilities4-8 kVA