Dead time selection for imperix power modules
This page presents a dead time selection method that can be used with imperix power modules. Appropriate dead time selection is crucial to guarantee the…
This page presents a dead time selection method that can be used with imperix power modules. Appropriate dead time selection is crucial to guarantee the…
This application note details a possible control implementation on the B-Box RCP for a fast electric vehicle charger with intermediate storage. In this example, the…
Closed-loop current control for a grid-tied Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) inverter. The considered setup is a three-phase three-wire NPC inverter supplied by a DC source and connected to the grid.
This technical note presents various techniques for the DC bus balancing of NPC converters. These techniques are notably used in TN135, which implements a grid-tied…
Neutral Point Clamped NPC converters are a family of multilevel power converters that are characterized by the use of clamping diodes for guaranteeing the proper voltage sharing across the power switches.
Simple first-step guide to building NPC converters, taking as an example a 3-phase 3-level NPC converter supplied by a DC voltage and connected to a resistive load.
The PEN block is a simulation model included in the Imperix Power library. It models the imperix NPC phase-leg PEN8018 in Simulink and PLECS simulation….
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